2014 Back To School Product Swap

I have been looking forward to sharing this post with you all week and the time has finally come thanks to the Back To School Product Swap!

I had a great opportunity to review a fabulous back to school resource; the Beginning of The Year Lapbook, designed by my friend and colleague Mrs. D. You can check out everything she’s got going on with back to school at her blog Mrs. D’s Corner.

When I discovered she sent me a lapbook, I jumped for >JOY< because 1. I’ve been admiring all the schnazzy lapbooks on Pinterest but still didn’t have any in my possession and 2. I wanted an interactive project for the first days of school, Well folks, Mrs. D made it ridiculously easy for me to decide exactly what that project will be (the back to school gods must be on my side this year)!

I’ve been working on creating a sample lapbook (with some help from my dog/assistant Gizmo) to use as a visual aide when my kiddos make theirs during the first days of school. I plan to have them work on a little portion each afternoon according to my game plan below.


The only prep I have to do for this project is to make copies of the reproducible pages and fold a set of manila folders “lapbook style”. I know my students will be eager to get right into designing, so having the folding done early will be ideal.

Day 1 – Cover Design

All 4 designs are adorable, but Gizmo is a boy so we went with this one.

Day 2 – Self Portraits

Love the idea of including both an illustration and a photograph – the families will adore looking back at these for years to come.

Day 3 – How I Feel About Starting 2nd Grade

My kiddos will do this early on when their jitterbugs are still alive and well.

Day 4 – Wishes for the Year

By Day 4, I will have introduced them to quite a few routines and given a preview of the road ahead; a perfect time to start making wishes!

Day 5 – My Parents Can Help By

This is the day of Back To School Night so I want to have the kiddos leave these on their desk for their parents to see when visiting.

Day 6 – When I Grow Up and Goals for 2nd Grade
With most routine introduction done by Day 6, there will be more time for lessons on topics like goal setting – a perfect match!

Day 7 – Personality Traits

An opportunity for another mini-lesson! There is no such thing as too many lessons on adjectives, so I will start early. 🙂

Day 8 – My Favorites This Year and My New Friends
By Day 8, students are beginning to feel more comfortable in their new home away from home and new friendships are beginning to blossom. I anticipate this being one of their favorites!

Day 9– Backpack Design
Saving this one for last (and not just because it’s the back cover). By Day 9, I will have taken a moment to write a little note to each child. They can tuck their note into their backpack before taking their project home to share with the family.
Thank you Mrs. D for creating the perfect back to school lapbook! I am so eager to meet my new little crew and learn about their lives with the help of this project!
If you think this is something your class will enjoy during the first weeks of school, you can pick it up here. To learn about other amazing products being created for Back To School 2014, check out the links below.
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I’m Laura Santos

I’ve been an elementary teacher for ten years, and love sharing tips and resources that make differentiated learning more manageable for you. Thank you for visiting.

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