Workin' On It Wednesday – VEGAS Giveaways
First of all…boy does it feel good to be back and blogging! My little side project turned in to a rather huge, time-consuming focus project and took me away from blogging a bit longer than anticipated. J To get back in the swing of things, I am linking up with KinderGals and their Workin’ On It Wednesday Linky. In preparation for my trip to VEGAS!!!! for the TPT Conference next week, I am putting together some schnazzy giveaways to help promote my newly-launched site Teacher Creator’s Toolbox. To get the word out about the site, I will be giving away three free all-access passes to TeacherCreator’s Toolbox, along with some branded swag at three of the conference sessions. Wrapping gifts is one of my favorite things to do so it’s been great to take a step away from working on the computer to wrap these little beauties! If you aren’t attending the TPT Conference this year,