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Individual project based learning planning sheet to hold enrichment students accountable when working independently on a PBL unit.

How To Manage Small Group Math Projects and Still Teach ALL Of Your Students

Math projects are an engaging way to provide students with enrichment opportunities when they’re demonstrating mastery at the beginning of a math unit, and the rest of your class needs support and instruction for that unit.  Providing your advanced learners with an enrichment project to deepen their learning rather than bogging them down with busy work will allow them to apply what they know in more real-world contexts while keeping them engaged and excited about the subject they excel in.  It may feel overwhelming to have your advanced learners working on a project while you’re teaching your current math unit to the rest of your class. I used to shy away from providing these types of enrichment opportunities because I couldn’t wrap my head around the logistics of keeping tabs on students who were independently working on a project while I taught a mini-lesson and worked with small groups. I

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A Valentine’s Day Math Project That Covers All Your Data & Graphing Standards

The perfect math project for February is ready for your classroom! When February rolls around, I always long for a little break in the regular math routine. Don’t you? A fun way to make that happen is to spend a week immersed in data and graphing standards through a super-engaging math simulation called Val’s Heart Factory. If your schedule allows for it, you may even select a week right around Valentine’s Day! This resource is perfect for third grade classrooms, but can also be used as enrichment for second grade learners.  Let’s take a closer look at this data & graphing project based learning resource.  Project Overview This simulation introduces your students to four methods for displaying data: frequency tables, bar graphs, pictographs and line plots. Students will have the opportunity to record observations about each method for displaying data and compare/contrast methods for collecting data. They will use this

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Small group meeting area at the back of the classroom with no clutter

Setting Up Your Classroom So the Layout Provides A Flow During Math Workshop

When running M.A.T.H. rotations in your classroom, student independence is key. Independent students are a gift that helps Math Workshop run smoothly each day and give you the ability to focus your attention on meeting with groups after your mini lesson.  One of the most powerful ways to boost student independence and focused learning is to create easy-to-navigate spaces that house the materials students will be using during their centers. Here are some recommendations for creating student-friendly Math Workshop spaces in your classroom.  A Space for Meet With the Teacher Create a space where you and a group of 4-8 students can sit and meet comfortably for small group instruction. Positioning this meeting space in a corner of the room that feels more tucked away from the space where students will be working independently makes it more likely that your small group meetings won’t distract the rest of the class

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A Winter-Themed Math Project That Makes Multiplication Fun

Are you feeling the need for a break from your regular math routine? It’s the perfect time to continue plugging away on standards while squeezing in a little winter-themed math fun. During the weeks leading up to December break, the structure of Math Workshop can remain the same in your classroom, but students can work to be hired as Array Architects for Snowflake Valley rather than completing problem solving task cards during the At Your Seat rotation of workshop. Having a little chunk of time to work on this festive math project each day is the perfect dose of winter excitement students are longing for while still maintaining a focus on rigorous math learning before our longest break of the year. This resource is perfect for third grade classrooms, but can also be used as enrichment for second grade learners.  Let’s take a closer look at this multiplication project based

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How to Weave Project Based Learning Into Your Math Block

A common question I receive is, “How do you find time to teach your full math curriculum, do Math Workshop, and do project based learning?” In my classroom, these three parts of my math instruction are not separate entities, they are all done together during Math Workshop.  Many teachers have the idea that project based learning is something you have to do on top of your regular instruction and Math Workshop routine. In fact, it can be something that enriches your regular instruction and replaces some of the more routine tasks you may be doing during a particular unit.  In this post, I’m going to describe how you can integrate project based learning into your Math Workshop block so students have an opportunity for deeper learning.  Using Project Based Learning In Place of Your Regular Math Workshop Routines Here are a few perfect opportunities to replace parts of your regular

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A sheet titled "Classroom Volunteer Record" laying on the teacher's desk next to several sign up sheets that have been completed by parents to show their interest in volunteering in the classroom.

Classroom Volunteer Organization and Scheduling

Parent and family volunteers are a major asset to any classroom. Here at the start of the year, many afternoons are filled communicating with volunteers about expectations, scheduling and training. When bringing parent volunteering into the classroom, it’s important to dedicate time and effort toward creating routines and expectations for each of them so they fit right in with your respectful classroom environment and are an asset for the entire year. Taking this approach helps your volunteers become an integral part of your classroom community. There are three vital elements in developing a strong and effective volunteer presence in your classroom: communicating needs, syncing schedules, and introducing routines and expectations. STEP 1: COMMUNICATING NEEDS Make a list of each area you would like support in and that you know can be successfully managed by the parents in your classroom. Once you have your inevitably long list, narrow it down to

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Four Simple Back to School Parent Communication Tips

Focusing on parent communication during the first week of school can help you build trust in your classroom community. It can also make your entire school year immensely easier because parents will begin to see you as an organized, proactive expert. A strong start in the communication department really helps ease back to school nervousness parents experience as they get to know their child’s new teacher. You’ll spend less time fielding parent questions, sitting in parent meetings, and answering parent emails.  So how can you establish this strong start? Communicate with families multiple times during those first few days of the school year. This helps you set the standard for open communication and lets the families in your class know routine updates are something they can expect from you. Here are four methods of communication I use during the first week of each school year to do just that.   First:

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Five Favorite Activities for the First Day of Elementary School

Originally posted on August 2, 2015 | Updated on: July 19, 2021 Elementary students are filled with enthusiasm and powerful emotions. Harnessing those attributes in productive ways can be a full-time job in and of itself, which is why the first weeks of school leave us feeling teacher tired like no other time of year. As you head into a year of teaching, keep in mind, the ultimate goals of the first day of elementary school are simple: Make sure each student eats something at some point during the day.  Make sure everyone gets home safely.  Accomplish both of the above goals without any tears.  I’m only slightly joking. Realistically, you will accomplish much more than those three basics, and doing so takes careful planning. Below, I’ve shared five of my favorite first day activities for elementary school. These activities help me accomplish the deeper goals I set for the

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Number of the Day Morning Routine

Planning For An Efficient Morning Routine In the Classroom

Taking the time to plan your morning routine carefully can help ease one of the greatest challenges we face as teachers…finding enough time for all the instruction we need to fit in.  Often, we feel there is a need to hurry on to the next topic once we see a student has reached their learning goal. Unfortunately, this seemingly relentless need to move on robs many learners of their infinitely more important need to go back and review concepts.  We learn quickly that in order to make room for the spiral review students need; we need to hit the ground running each morning when they arrive in the classroom. all MY OLD APPROACH TO MORNING WORK During my first four years as an elementary teacher, I consistently made room for math spiral review during morning work. I used the spiral review materials included in our district math curriculum.  Although the concept

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Core Inspiration Camp Array Multiplication Project Laying Next to Math Project File Bin

Four Tips for Organizing Math Project Materials In Your Classroom

Helping young learners stay organized during a multi-day project doesn’t have to be a challenge. With a little planning and visualizing, you can easily create organizational structures in your classroom that will help your students stay organized. You no longer have to feel like the project has completely overtaken your learning environment. Four areas I urge you to consider when planning the logistics for your PBL unit include: Distributing Materials Organizing Work in Progress Tracking Student Progress Incorporating the Project into Your Schedule This post includes affiliate links for which I may make a small commission at no extra cost to you should you make a purchase. Distributing Project Materials When prepping for your project, you can print all the materials students will need in order to complete the project and place them in a folder. On the project launch day, students label one pocket of the folder “Materials I’ll

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Core Inspiration's desk elf classroom job card with desk elf checklist and bowl of tidy up tickets sitting on a white table.

How To Manage Your End-of-Day Classroom Tidy Up Routine

Tidying and organizing your classroom shouldn’t be something that takes much of your teacher time. Your students share the space with you and they should share the responsibility of keeping it clean/getting it ready for learning each day. When your students work with you to keep the space clean, there’s more time for planning, prepping, and making each day in the classroom more engaging for your students, which motivates them to care for their environment.  This is something you have heard me talk about time and time again, especially on Instagram stories. Each time I talk about this topic, I receive several messages about how I approach tidy up time at the end of each day so this collaborative effort to care for the classroom environment is a success. I hope seeing my answers to these questions in one place paints a complete picture of my approach to tidy up

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Math workshop parent communication cover sheet laying on top of blue weekly work folder next to file bin with weekly student work.

Five Tools To Help You Communicate With Parents About Their Child’s Progress During Math Workshop

These five communication tools make it easier for you to consistently share student progress about math understanding with families. If you love using hands-on learning, multi-step projects, and work that students refer to multiple times throughout the unit so they can build on their learning and deepen their understanding, these tools are for you! Each tool is designed to keep parents in the loop with what their child is learning and how they are progressing in your workshop-style classroom.

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How to Weave Project Based Learning Into Your Math Block

A common question I receive is, “How do you find time to teach your full math curriculum, do Math Workshop, and do project based learning?” In my classroom, these three parts of my math instruction are not separate entities, they are all done together during Math Workshop.  Many teachers have

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A sheet titled "Classroom Volunteer Record" laying on the teacher's desk next to several sign up sheets that have been completed by parents to show their interest in volunteering in the classroom.

Classroom Volunteer Organization and Scheduling

Parent and family volunteers are a major asset to any classroom. Here at the start of the year, many afternoons are filled communicating with volunteers about expectations, scheduling and training. When bringing parent volunteering into the classroom, it’s important to dedicate time and effort toward creating routines and expectations for

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Four Simple Back to School Parent Communication Tips

Focusing on parent communication during the first week of school can help you build trust in your classroom community. It can also make your entire school year immensely easier because parents will begin to see you as an organized, proactive expert. A strong start in the communication department really helps

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Core Inspiration's desk elf classroom job card with desk elf checklist and bowl of tidy up tickets sitting on a white table.

How To Manage Your End-of-Day Classroom Tidy Up Routine

Tidying and organizing your classroom shouldn’t be something that takes much of your teacher time. Your students share the space with you and they should share the responsibility of keeping it clean/getting it ready for learning each day. When your students work with you to keep the space clean, there’s

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Math workshop parent communication cover sheet laying on top of blue weekly work folder next to file bin with weekly student work.

Five Tools To Help You Communicate With Parents About Their Child’s Progress During Math Workshop

These five communication tools make it easier for you to consistently share student progress about math understanding with families. If you love using hands-on learning, multi-step projects, and work that students refer to multiple times throughout the unit so they can build on their learning and deepen their understanding, these tools are for you! Each tool is designed to keep parents in the loop with what their child is learning and how they are progressing in your workshop-style classroom.

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