Five Tips For Quieting A Chatty Class
Some school years we have classes that are chattier than average. Although notably more exhausting, I always find these years to be the most enjoyable
Some school years we have classes that are chattier than average. Although notably more exhausting, I always find these years to be the most enjoyable
This year, I decided to make some modifications to my classroom decor, and I am thrilled to share this reveal with you all. This post
Launching the school year with interactive activities can help your students settle back into the school routine while enjoying the movement and socialization they grow
If you are living in a constant battle between tracking data and planning instruction…you know you’re not alone. Like most teachers, you are probably looking
For the first year ever, I decided not to spend too much time teaching iPad routines during the first weeks of school. I went over basic care
Today, I am blogging over at The Elementary Entourage about the great homework debate. I am sharing what my students’ nightly assignments are, revealing my hopes and dreams
We are heading into the fourth week of school and I finally had a moment to write my classroom reveal post for this year. If
Welcome to the premiere post for what is sure to be your new favorite teacher blogger link up…Books Bloggers Love. Each month, 12 teacher bloggers
One of our challenges as teachers is to help students learn the difference between tattling and reporting. Often, students who tattle simply need an outlet
This year, the second routine I introduced to my class when we were learning our routines for Daily 5 was Read to Someone. In hindsight, I