Responding To Requests For More Homework

Today, I am blogging over at The Elementary Entourage about the great homework debate. I am sharing what my students’ nightly assignments are, revealing my hopes and dreams for homework, and letting you in on my tried and true response when parents ask for more homework.

Core Inspiration homework assignments.

You can also read what my fellow Entourage members assign (or don’t assign) for homework in the other posts during this month’s homework series.


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3 Responses

  1. My district requires homework, so I give it. I pass out one sheet of math, LA, science, etc. review for the week and keep track of who turns it in. I don't grade it. I also give extra credit homework that is totally optional. If a student/parent is inspired by anything, they can do a project, report, demo, class presentation, tech extravaganza…If they take the time to do it, I will take the time to conference w/the student to critique and grade. One activity I am going to add is a student written reader's theater about any subject a student is eager to explore and then involve classmates in. I have had success w/RT in the past, but I have found the plays in magazines, etc. The featured teacher (look under teacher resources to read her article) at let her students do the writing and it worked out great on the skill and enthusiasm gauges.

I’m Laura Santos

I’ve been an elementary teacher for ten years, and love sharing tips and resources that make differentiated learning more manageable for you. Thank you for visiting.

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