The Back To School Panic Is Upon Us

It happens every year. Everything is chill. Summer is strolling along, you know the end will come eventually, but it’s allllll good. You kick back with your feet up, take a sip of your favorite summer beverage, think about how maybe you should get a pedicure today, and scroll through your Facebook feed.
What’s this?! Everyone has pictures of their classroom set up progress, the shopping cart full of supplies they just bought at Michael’s, the Ikea furniture that’s taking days to assemble.
Frantically, you begin making lists. You will have night terrors about the infinite number of books you have to level and wonder how you’re ever going to be ready in time for those kids to walk through the door in only a few short weeks.  Yes, that time has come.
Amazingly enough, even with all the stress and lost hours of sleep, things come together in the end and that classroom is always ready to welcome a sweet new little crew.
These feelings hit me like a ton a bricks today so here’s what I’m going to do from now until the first day of school (August 19th).

Week 1: Revamp Week

Spend hours in front of the computer revamping all of my back to school resources so they are fresh, relevant and ready for a brand new start. There will be loads of editing projects this week and my editors always get the product for free when it’s polished. To get involved, follow my Facebook page.

I’ll take a screen break on Friday to attend a book club about the latest edition of The Daily 5 by by Gail Boushey and Joan Moser. I know I am one of the last people on earth who hasn’t read this book and I can’t wait to start implementing this year!

Week 2: Unpacking Week

Unpack, sort, label, organize and store everything. This better not take me more than a week because I meticulously organized and purged while packing up my old room. I love getting the cabinets organized first so I know there aren’t any little messes hiding away. If there are, they will become black holes by October (I know you know what I mean).

I also get to attend our grade-level planning meeting. I love my new team and their stellar organization status! Then, we have a new hire lunch meeting mid-week; I’m thrilled I won’t be the only newbie on campus this year with 8 of us starting!  I bet they are already unpacking their classrooms…gahh!

Week 3: Décor Week

Time to whip those walls into shape. I plan to carry over the cool colors I used in my previous classroom because I just love the calming effect. I’m thrilled to see how the blues and greens will look in my new space which has about 1000 times more light than my portable did. It looks pretty horrid now but I can’t wait to share the transformation soon!

Week 4: Finishing Touches Week

If I make it to this point alive, I will be busy putting the finishing touches on my classroom, getting all my first week copying done and making silly little adjustments to every little nook and cranny before the kids arrive on Wednesday.
So…will I succeed in getting it all done for yet another year? You can place your bets now. Check back each week for an update on my progress.


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I’m Laura Santos

I’ve been an elementary teacher for ten years, and love sharing tips and resources that make differentiated learning more manageable for you. Thank you for visiting.

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