Viva Las Vegas! 2015 TPT Conference Linky

Viva Las Vegas TPT Conference Linky Party Header At this year’s second annual Teachers Pay Teachers Pay Teachers Premium Sellers Conference, over 1,000 TPT teacher authors gathered in Vegas to learn and connect.

Every session and meet up I attended was flooded with smiling faces and warm welcomes from like-minded teacher authors. Every ah-ha moment was delivered by successful, top earners who shared every detail of their best practices and secrets to success.
Our unique TPT author community has the mentality that the more we work together, encourage one another, and share…the more we will grow together. The powerful result of this cooperative mentality is growth for classroom teachers, and more importantly, growth for the students they teach.

Teacher blogger friends at the TPT 2015 Seller's Conference
The founder and leadership team at TPT have an enormous and endlessly growing heart for educators and students. Year after year, TPT becomes a stronger force with the most empowering impact on education that modern teachers have ever seen. Regardless, our mission stays focused on what’s important…helping everyone win…especially the students.
Without a doubt, the surge of inspiration this conference provides to teacher authors will trickle down into every classroom where TPT resources are used to bring learning to life.
The two most powerful sessions at the conference this year were lead by Maria Manore of Kinder Craze [Advanced Blogging: The Next Frontier] and Erin Brewer Cobb of Lovin’ Lit [From Teacher To Teacherpreneur].

The Next Frontier For Core Inspiration

Maria Manore educated teacher authors about the importance of nurturing a blog that feels like a home away from home for teachers. She is an extraordinarily intelligent and poised presenter who really got me thinking about how to take my blog to the next level.
Maria Manore Gavin of Kinder Craze and Laura Santos of Core Inspiration
As author of Core Inspiration, my goal moving forward is to deliver teaching ideas in a format that is highly visual and quick to read. I want continue to transform this blog into a space where elementary teachers feel inspired and empowered, yet refreshed and relaxed. Maria allowed me to envision my blog in a way I did not think was possible. I have a long road of strategic planning ahead to ensure that vision comes to life, but I am electrified by the possibilities.

Being A Teacherpreneur

Erin Cobb encouraged every one of us to stay committed to our passion and make the most of the time we spend creating. Being a teacher author for TPT is far from easy. At times, the demands of teaching full time, caring for a home and family, staying emotionally and physically healthy, and creating resources to share with other teachers is daunting.
Every teacher author experiences moments when the balance we work so hard to establish is lost. When it happens, don’t dwell on it; recuperate quickly and get back on that horse ASAP.

Erin’s reminder that failing to plan is a plan to fail is the exact dose of reality I needed. Core Inspiration is getting a high-gear kick in the pants this year and I am happy-dance excited with my plans to grow. My TPT store is about to become your dream library of enrichment resources for the elementary classroom.


Another way teacher authors came together to go further at this year’s conference was through meet ups, lunch dates and time on the Vegas strip. Meeting several of my favorite teacher bloggers and bonding with a few a my blogger besties has me flying home with a feeling a support, friendship and professional camaraderie.

Collection of sellers I met up with at the 2015 TPT Sellers Conference
All in all, this year’s Teachers Pay Teachers Premium Sellers Conference was a huge success. I look forward to sharing the amazing inspiration and energy I gathered during my experience with each of you through my store and blog in the coming year.
To take a peek at the conference from other teacher author perspectives, visit any of the blogs linked here.

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5 Responses

  1. Oh my goodness girlie I just adore you!!! I love that picture of you in the window!!!!!!! I'm so glad we had the chance meet in Vegas- I'm convinced we were meant to be blogging buddies and corgi mom buddies too! Talk to you soon! 🙂

    Soaring Through Second

  2. We are so happy to get to meet you this week! It will be even more fun getting to know you better through EE. Hope you have a wonderful summer!

I’m Laura Santos

I’ve been an elementary teacher for ten years, and love sharing tips and resources that make differentiated learning more manageable for you. Thank you for visiting.

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